Time & Thyme Again

I'm not going to say it again!

There's a phrase I stopped using some time ago.  I'll quote it here, but I'm not really saying it.  The evil, "I'm so busy" phrase.  (Just whisper it, the way my daughter did when she taught my son all FIVE swearwords back before they started school.)

She knew that spoken words were powerful and so do I.  I fear speaking The Phrase will become a self-fulfilling (self-perpetuating?) prophesy.  To counter it, I spent the spring planting Thyme all over my yard thinking, I want abundant time as I went.  (Note: I read that when you plant basil, you're to curse it soundly.  I tried that, but the cursing tended to come out late as in, "$&*!, I forgot to curse my basil!")

The secondary evil of The Phrase is that it demeans the importance of the people in your lives.  I'd like to go to lunch with you, but I'm too busy.  I'd like to blog, but I'm too busy.  You know what?  Make time.  That's what it comes down to.

And HOW MANY times have I blogged on this theme?  Here's the catch 22, though.  I attended a great workshop in Annaheim by Kristen Lamb that inspired me to purchase her book We Are Not Alone–The Writer’s Guide to Social Media.  (Need to make time to read it.)

We're not going to mention the bit about how I got caught up in reading her awesome blogs (http://warriorwriters.wordpress.com/) and was even inspired to start a Flikr account so I can use free photos from the Wana Commons.  (Goodbye time - loads of pretty pictures there.)

Then I  followed a link to another blog about taking the Busyness out of Business and discovered that I'm not that much of a time-waster.  I'm genuinely over-committed.  (See what I did there?  Bad Dani!)  But FYI, Kristen's latest blog says exactly what this one does.  Full plate.  I think it's an epidemic among writers, especially right after conference.

However, THIS TIME, I am not only positive intentioning myself out of my mess, but taking concrete steps toward becoming organized and finding more interesting fodder for my blog(s!)

So stay tuned, gentle-people.  My 'brand' is not scattered, spazzy writer.  It's 'sit a spell and tell me your story 'cause I know you're way more interesting than me.'

I'm going to work on making that catchier.  Just have to find the thyme (in my overgrown garden!)
